
# Resources

10. June 2022

HYPERCON MATERIALS – Sand, Gravel and Crushed Natural Stone

The supply of the building materials industry in Germany for the production of ready-mix concrete, precast concrete elements and concrete products such as paving stones or patio slabs, for example, consumes over 140 million tonnes of high-quality sand and gravel each year.

10. June 2022

Limestone – a basis for HYPERCON raw materials

In many applications, sand-lime brick has played an important role as a raw material for a long time. In today's home design, natural stones such as limestones are very popular again.

17. June 2022

HYPERCON MATERIALS – Stone and earth

The main mineral raw materials used in the building industry are stone and earth. HYPERCON analyses the properties of existing raw materials and creates concepts to use them efficiently.

18. June 2022

HYPERCON mineral surfaces materials

HYPERCON uses waste material from the processing of natural stone that is created during production or that has already been stockpiled.

16. June 2022

Optimal utilisation of granite residue with HYPERCON

Granite, the most widespread magmatic rock (plutonite) in the world, is rich in feldspar and quartz and also contains mica and hornblende.